Crisis & Preparedness Cooperation Exercise Simulator
Crisis & preparedness co-operation exercise management system to simulate multidimensional situations and to develop organization’s processes.
Scheduled and Ad-hoc Scenario Feed for Participants
Scenario feed can include messages, tasks, and polls with attachments (images, video, sound, etc.). Scenarios include scheduled messages and ad-hoc messages can also be sent during the scenario. New scenario messages can trigger SMS and email notifications for participants.
Individual situation report feeds for every participating organization
Scenario participants have their personalized feed based on their role (participant, observer, command center). Participant’s visibility to data can be limited to their own organization’s data in cooperation exercises.
Response & Procedure Reporting
Every response and procedure by the scenario’s participants are logged with a timestamp in the system. This helps the scenario’s analysis and allows powerful post hoc analysis.
Large-scale crisis & preparedness cooperation exercises and smaller individual drills
eeedo’s crisis & preparedness excersise simulator is suitable for large-scale excersis as well as smaller single organisation in-house drills.

Clous-based & Device Independent
The crisis preparedness simulation system works on any internet connected device with a modern web browser. Scenario notifications can be sent via SMS and email.
Real-time Analysis
Powerful real-time analysis allows the identification of the effects of the procedures and responses done by the participants. Data collected during the exercise helps organizations to develop their preparedness and find bottle-necks in mission critical-communication.
Social Media & Press Simulation
Our solution allows the simulation of social media & press feeds.
Real World Crisis Management & Communication
We also have a software solution for effective & secure communication in real world crisis. Read more.
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Case Jaatyva 2017
Jaatyva (frozen) 2017 was a large-scale cooperation preparedness exercise held in Northern Savonia, Finland. The aim of the exercise was to prepare for a crisis caused by a extreme weather conditions. The scenario for the exercise was a major power outage in local and main power grids.
Over 400 professionals from 20 organisations took part in this multi-organisational preparedness exercise. For example, Fingrid Oyj (the Finnish national electricity transmission grid operator), the Finnish Defence Forces, YLE, the Finnish Police, City of Kuopio, Savon Voima Verkko Oy, Rescue Departments from Southern and Northern Savonia, St1, and the major mobile network operators in Finland.

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